Hey there, mama! Welcome to Dreams, Dirt, and Grace—the podcast where we get real about growing big dreams while nurturing little hearts all while leaning on God. I’m your host, Kawailani Ah Quin, a Hawaiian homesteading mom who’s juggling homeschooling, building a business, wrangling chickens, and figuring out life as I go. This is your space to embrace the beautiful chaos of it all—the dirt under your nails, the endless to-do lists, and the moments of messy grace that make it all worthwhile. We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of entrepreneurship, homesteading, parenting hacks, faith, and finding joy in the everyday adventure. If you’re ready to get a little dirty, laugh at the mess, and grow something beautiful, you’re in the right place. Let’s dig in!

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Did you know that one reason why we get frustrated is because we forget to be grateful for what we have?
I know it's a simple thought that you've heard over and over again. But I got caught up in this too.
I want to share how to get OUT of the Frustration quicker, so that you can head towards Success Faster.
In this episode, you'll learn how to incorporate gratitude into your Business, Family, Homeschool & Busy Mom Life. You'll learn how to use it as a tool for your Success, how to get your kids involved & how to share it with your friends, family and more.
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp -> https://homeschoolingbb.weebly.com/
Link to Gratitude Journal that I used: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Days-Start-Gratitude-Cultivate/dp/1976436184/ref=asc_df_1976436184/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312154648235&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6203844173647843681&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033283&hvtargid=pla-421807182363&psc=1

Friday Nov 12, 2021
32: 4 Things that are Keeping you from Making Money from Home
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Hey mamas!
It doesn't matter if you're working or are a SAHM, you can make another stream of income from home! But if you haven't taken that step YET, then one of these 4 reasons may be holding you back.
In this episode you'll learn:
How Other People's Beliefs or Negative Experiences is not your own.
How the Fear of Failing is nothing to Fear.
Why Old Identities Need to be Shed.
Self-Doubt is your biggest Enemy.
& I'll tell you how to Overcome all of these in order to STOP it from Blocking you from making money!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp -> https://homeschoolingbb.weebly.com/

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
31: How to Never Have Laundry Pile UP Again. Life Changing Laundry Hack!
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Hey Mamas!
Do you love Hacks? Because I do!
They allow you to SAVE Time & Energy so that you can do more! Because there's one thing as moms, business owners, homeschoolers, women... we start running out of time.
This Laundry Hack will not only save you time, but it will keep that Mountain of Laundry from Ever Piling Up Again!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp -> https://homeschoolingbb.weebly.com/

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Ep 30: Easy Alexa Hack to Quit YELLING at Your Kids
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Are you a Yeller? Or maybe you have a Huge House & your kids apparently CAN'T Hear You when you call them a Million times?!
This is a Easy Alexa Hack that will SAVE your Voice, SAVE you TIME, have a few Fun Moments (like Poopy Head Daddy) and Help with your STRESS!
ALL Families and especially Big Homes should Have this Hack!!! Plus your kids will thank you for Not Yelling at them (as much lol)
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp ->http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Breaking down the ACTUAL amount of time I spend homeschooling. From prepping for lessons to teaching to field trips. You'll be SURPRISED on how much time it REALLY takes and I just might intrigue you to do it too!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp ->http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
YES! Patience is NOT a Requirement to start homeschooling!
I know that may be surprising but it's true!
In this episode you'll learn why you're losing your patience in the first place and how changing you expectations is what you should be focused on instead.
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp -> https://homeschoolingbb.weebly.com/

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
27: Should You Homeschool? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself!
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Hey Mamas,
Should you even Homeschool?
STOP & ASK yourself these questions:
Are my kids thriving or struggling in their Current School?
Does their current school provide the Support & Resources needed for them to Thrive?
Does the rules, guidelines, values of their current school align with our family?
Could we provide a Better environment with Homeschooling?
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Are you afraid that Homeschooling will take up ALL of your time?
In this episode you'll learn that Homeschooling will probably use the same amount of time you're already spending with your kids on things that they do with traditional school.
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
25: 3 Reasons You Haven’t Started Homeschooling Yet
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
I know Homeschooling is a Huge Leap of Faith! It's not an easy decision to make for yourself or for your family. But if God has been nudging you to Homeschool and you've been looking into it, this episode it to help you gain Clarity.
In this Episode you'll learn about the 3 Reasons you Haven't Started Homeschooling. Because once you are Aware of the things holding you back, you can start working through them. We'll be working on the Fear of the Unknown, the Doubt that you are Capable and the fact that you're Comfortable with what you already have, even if you don't agree with it.
Get ready for some Truth Bombs!
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Friday Oct 15, 2021
24: 3 Money Basics all Kids should Know before they’re 10 years old
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Do you have a 10 year old or a kid around that age? And you want them to know about money basics?
Because right now all they know is that money buys things, and it magically appears on a card or there's an endless supply?
If that sounds something like your child, then here's a great episode for you! You'll learn why it's important for your kids to know how to use their money to build good habits by going through these 3 money basics with them.
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html