Hey there, mama! Welcome to Dreams, Dirt, and Grace—the podcast where we get real about growing big dreams while nurturing little hearts all while leaning on God. I’m your host, Kawailani Ah Quin, a Hawaiian homesteading mom who’s juggling homeschooling, building a business, wrangling chickens, and figuring out life as I go. This is your space to embrace the beautiful chaos of it all—the dirt under your nails, the endless to-do lists, and the moments of messy grace that make it all worthwhile. We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of entrepreneurship, homesteading, parenting hacks, faith, and finding joy in the everyday adventure. If you’re ready to get a little dirty, laugh at the mess, and grow something beautiful, you’re in the right place. Let’s dig in!

Friday Dec 01, 2023
235: Power Tip: My 5 Favorite Ways to Incorporate Learning into the Holidays
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Here's the activties!
Let them Bake! (Measurements, Home Ec, Doubling Recipe,
Let them Shop for a Gift! (Budget, Taxes, Research, Plan it, Wrap it)
Learn & Perform for the Family (song, poem, puppet show, acting)
Plan a Family Outing (Scheduling, Planning, Budget, Meals, Drive time)
Plan a Game Night (Games, Food, Prizes, Timeline, Group Work, Responsibility)
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Here's a way to continue to share gratitude in your family during this season.
Give each person enough post-it notes for each member of the family
Write down something they're grateful for about each person.
If kids can't write, be their recorder (have them talk and write it down for them).
Start with One family member at a time and each person shares why they're grateful for that person
Make a keepsake:
Grab a blank note book & place all the post-its into it. Add to it each time you do this activity
Make a collage out of it
keep it in a jar & add to it each time
Do it over a certain number of days
once a week for the month
Add it to part of your Kids Journaling
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Do you have a struggling Reader and those "suggested Reading Levels" are causing more confusion rather than clarity?
In this episode you'll learn a way to choose books that will BETTER support your child's reading progress and Tips on what to do for your struggling reader.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
God said that we need to Love our neighbor like how we Love ourselves.
So the question is, "Are you Showing yourself the same amount of Love that you Pour into Others?"
If you're being hard on yourself, getting upset for not completing tasks, feeling overwhelm creep in... then this episode is to help you to STOP heading down that path.
Let's feed YOUR Soul today...
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Friday Nov 03, 2023
231: Don’t let Traditional School Dim your Kid’s Light
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Do you notice a shift in your child's behavior since they've been in traditional school?
Have you've been considering Homeschooling?
In this episode you'll learn a few questions to ask your child and a new way to look at homeschooling for your child.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Monday Oct 30, 2023
230: When you Feel like you’re Failing at Patience
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Here's what may be missing:
Jesus in your daily decisions
Communicating Where you are At Emotionally
Checking in with Yourself
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Are you Praising your kids with an Auto-response?
Did you know your kids can see through your unauthentic Praises?
What questions can you ask to Develop their Own Confidence?
What else can Your say when Praising them?
Let's Connect → https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Monday Oct 16, 2023
228: 3 Tips on Saving Money WHILE Celebrating Halloween All Month Long.
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
2 Activities for the Price of 1: Paint pumpkins > display > then Carve them
Split into 2 Huaka'i : Pumpkin Patch for Activities & Buy your pumpkins at the local Nursery- Support 2 Small Businesses instead of 1!
Fill your Calendar with FREE TRUNK of TREATS & Fall Festivities
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Friday Oct 13, 2023
227: 2 Halloween Crafts You Can Turn into Keepsakes
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Footprint Ghost/ candy corn Canvas
Here's an Example of the Canvas we Used https://www.michaels.com/product/cre-canvas-panel-8x8-5pk-10634869?cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Kids_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-18514200221_adg-_ad-__dev-c_ext-_prd-10634869&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1aOpBhCOARIsACXYv-cW1gwVmcawAnXa8GQmXxxzcq2AA9WxFFIrVJNZAKXOvNdPF0hm5hoaAml2EALw_wcB
Salt dough ghouls, cats or hats
Find the recipe I used here: https://unsophisticook.com/salt-dough-recipe/
BONUS: Updates on Halloween Garland from Ep: 130
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Are you utilizing your Library to it's fullest potential?
Listen in on How we are utilizing the Library in our Homeschool & What Life Skills they're getting out of it!
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com