Hey there, mama! Welcome to Dreams, Dirt, and Grace—the podcast where we get real about growing big dreams while nurturing little hearts all while leaning on God. I’m your host, Kawailani Ah Quin, a Hawaiian homesteading mom who’s juggling homeschooling, building a business, wrangling chickens, and figuring out life as I go. This is your space to embrace the beautiful chaos of it all—the dirt under your nails, the endless to-do lists, and the moments of messy grace that make it all worthwhile. We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of entrepreneurship, homesteading, parenting hacks, faith, and finding joy in the everyday adventure. If you’re ready to get a little dirty, laugh at the mess, and grow something beautiful, you’re in the right place. Let’s dig in!

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
13: Prepping for the new School Year. How to choose Curriculum for your Big Family.
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Aloha Mamas!
Are you stressed for the Upcoming School Year & don't know how to Navigate all the Choices of Curriculum?! Have you been feeling overwhelmed when trying to figure out Curriculum for All Your Kids?
This is the Episode for you! I'm joined by my Special Guest, Chantae Cummings, who has 4 gorgeous kids & YES! She's Homeschooling them too!
She'll be sharing how she chooses Curriculum for multiple kids BUT also for her child who was Struggling in Traditional School & now is THRIVING at Home!
So Excited for This One!
- Kawai
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Connect with Chantae -> https://campsite.bio/chantaecummings

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
12: Public School vs. Private School vs. Virtual School vs. Homeschooling
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Hey mamas!
Are you thinking about changing schools for your littles? Are you considering Public, Private, Online & Homeschooling as options?
Then that’s great! Because I’m gonna save you researching time in this episode.
You’ll hear the Pros & Cons about each of these option. My hope is that you’ll get a bit more clarity in what direction you’ll want to pursue for your kids.
So get you tita buns up & take some notes!
- Kawai
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Saturday Aug 07, 2021
11: How to Encourage your Kids FAITH if They Are In Public School
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Hey mamas!
Are you a Jesus loving, daughter of God too? Are you looking for ways to encourage your Faith into your kids lives when it has been removed from the Public School that they attend?
This episode is for you! You’ll learn how simple it can be to weave faith into your kid’s lives, even when public school doesn’t have it anymore.
Growing their faith won’t happen in a day, but through these 3 practices, it will grow daily.
Let's jump in!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
10: 5 Reasons Public School is Discouraging Your Kids
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Hey Mamas!
This may be a touchy subject for some of you or it may be just what you needed to hear. Because today I’m talking about 5 Reasons Public School is Discouraging Your Kids.
In this episode you will learn what key factors are missing from your kids lives if they are attending public school. How public school limits your choices in subjects, doesn’t customize to your kid's learning styles, limits their creativity, has a lack of preparing them for finances & prepares them to be an employee vs entrepreneur.
I invite you to listen with an open mind.
- Kawai
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Friday Jul 30, 2021
9: How to Socialize my kids while Homeschooling. Are Homeschool kids weird?
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Hey mamas!
We’re talking about the ’S-Word” today! SOCIALIZATION!
Is this what’s holding you back from jumping into the world of Homeschooling?
Do you think that if you Homeschool your kids, they’ll be Weird & Awkward?
I’m not holding back on this subject because I want to tell you all about Socialization in this episode!
Get your popcorn ready! Let’s jump in!
- Kawai
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
8: Power Tip Episode: Make a ‘STOP Doing List’ BEFORE you Make your To-Do List.
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Aloha Mamas!
Looking for a quick win or something simple to implement today that can help you to be more productive and move your business?
That’s what these Power Tip Episodes are for! You’ll take away One simple thing you can do right now.
Today I will teach you why your To-Do List isn't so effective! And why making a STOP Doing List today will help you can move your business, increase your income & have more time for adventures.
Let's jump in!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Hey mamas!
Are the Kids Driving you Nuts because they keep saying they’re Bored & have Nothing to Do?
Do you need some new summer activities or want ideas on how to change up the things you already do?
Are you on a budget & don’t want to break the bank?
Do you have a Big family & would like to do activities that are fun for all of them?
You’ll be excited for this episode! I’ll be telling you Summer Activities for Big Families, that are affordable & fun!
Can’t wait to hear what you do!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
It’s Summertime and all the kids are home! But they are Bored!
You’re a driven mama and you got goals, whether it’s with homeschool, building a business, family life, or being better personally.
Mamas, you are trying to encourage your kids to do more like you!
You want them to be more ambitious, work towards their own goals, learn some entrepreneurial skills & take action.
In this episode, you'll hear about 5 Summer Hacks for driving your Kid's Motivation!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Friday Jul 16, 2021
5: STOP! Before you Start your Very First Homeschool Lesson, DO THIS FIRST!
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Aloha Mama Friends!
So you’re curious about homeschooling or decided to give it a try!
You’ve already been researching curriculum, binge watching videos & reading all the blogs. But you’re still confused on where to start with your kids.
This episode is for you, Mamas! Before you start planning your lessons, buying curriculum, making a schedule, doing ALL the things… DO THIS FIRST!
This is going to help make it easier for you to pick curriculum, plan activities, communicate with your kids & relieve some stress from your homeschool journey!
So lets jump in!
- Kawai
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Aloha Mamas!
Frustrated because you don’t have enough time in the day to get done what you planned?
Can’t figure out where you can squeeze out time for you to DO Homeschool, Build your business, Raise your Kids, Life?!
Tried meal planning but it was overwhelming & you couldn’t Keep up?
This episode it for you! I'll show you how Monthly Meal Planning can gain back 2-3 hrs in your week, How to plan a months worth of meals in 15-20min & still have a variety of meals for all the family to enjoy!
There's a FREE BONUS too!
Jump into my FB Group to download the Free Meal Planning Worksheets so you can follow along with this episode and get it done!
Let dig in!
Connect -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Want to Start Homeschooling -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html