Hey there, mama! Welcome to Dreams, Dirt, and Grace—the podcast where we get real about growing big dreams while nurturing little hearts all while leaning on God. I’m your host, Kawailani Ah Quin, a Hawaiian homesteading mom who’s juggling homeschooling, building a business, wrangling chickens, and figuring out life as I go. This is your space to embrace the beautiful chaos of it all—the dirt under your nails, the endless to-do lists, and the moments of messy grace that make it all worthwhile. We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of entrepreneurship, homesteading, parenting hacks, faith, and finding joy in the everyday adventure. If you’re ready to get a little dirty, laugh at the mess, and grow something beautiful, you’re in the right place. Let’s dig in!

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Instead of hiding your work from your kids, find the lessons in them & teach it to them. It could be a lesson in Failure, Growth, Compassion, Leadership, Creativity or Hard work.
What do you want them to take into their adulthood?
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
52: Power Tip Episode- Mom Hack to make Money! Are You in Charge of Your Schedule or is it in Charge of You?
Do you have an intuition that you can do more? Especially make a little more money? But you barely have time in the day!
Here's one simple process you can do to take back control over your schedule! This Hack will get you into productivity & show you how you really can build a business in pockets of your day!
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Monday Jan 17, 2022
51: I barely got through school! How can I Homeschool my Kids?
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
So you thought about homeschooling for a hot minute & decided you couldn't do it because you're not qualified!
You may have struggled in school, didn't care for school or thought school was a bit overwhelming. So how could you have the audacity to teach your own kids?!
None of those things are qualifications to homeschool. In this episode, you'll hear how you can homeschool your child even if you weren't the star student!
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
FB Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/
Kid Entrepreneur Academy → https://bit.ly/KidEntrepreneurAcademy

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
With jobs being so uncertain, we need to start teaching our kids skills that they'll be able to use for their lifetime. If you want your kids to learn about Entrepreneurship, here's the #1 thing you need to TEACH them first before they start their journey.
This will set the bar for their mindset, protect their grit to keep going & be one of the keys to success.
Kid Entrepreneur Academy → https://bit.ly/KidEntrepreneurAcademy
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Monday Jan 10, 2022
49: Why you Shouldn’t be Paying your Kids to do their Chores!
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Are you debating about paying your kids for doing their chores?
Do you do it as a habit or to reward them?
In this episode you'll learn WHY you shouldn't pay your kids to do their chores, other ways to incentivize them, reward them & other opportunities to pay them.
Kid Entrepreneur Academy → https://bit.ly/KidEntrepreneurAcademy
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Friday Jan 07, 2022
48: The Secret to getting your Kids to Read with Chantae Cummings
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Would you rather see your kids pick up a book rather than watch tv? Or do you have a struggling reader & you feel stuck with helping them?
In this episode, you'll get all the Secrets to how to instill the love for reading into them, discovering their Reading Styles & the Top Reading Tips with Chantae Cummings
Kid Entrepreneur Academy → https://bit.ly/KidEntrepreneurAcademy
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Monday Jan 03, 2022
47: Number One way to Make Money from Home for a Busy Homeschooling Mom
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
New Year! New YOU!
Does 2022 include you making more money?! But you can't figure out what you should be doing. You want to make money from home, but you don't know which opportunity is the best.
In this episode you'll learn the 5 things that are ESSENTIAL for building a successful business from home!
Kid Entrepreneurship Academy: https://bit.ly/KidEntrepreneurAcademy
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Is you spouse supportive of your ambitions and goals? Do they cheer you on, encourage you & are there to remind you of your greatness? Did you know you can use their support to Accelerate you to your Goals? Let me show you how.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Are you still on the fence about homeschooling? You keep going back and forth about starting.
I'm going to show you how you can transition into Homeschooling even while you kid is still in traditional school. Plus I'll go over how you can change your Doubts into Confidence around Homeschooling.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/

Friday Dec 24, 2021
44: New Years Series: How to Set up your Business for Success in 2022
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
2022 is your YEAR! You realized multiple streams of income is a Necessity! Do you committed to growing your Business but you don't want to be overwhelmed with adding this into your life. You're a BUSY Mama!
I'm going to give you 4 things you need to Set up in your Business BEFORE the New Year! That way you'll have more time to help others through your Service!
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Community -> https://bit.ly/HEMsupportgroup
Website -> http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Email -> support@homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com
Homeschooling Basics Bootcamp → http://www.homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.com/hbb.html
Money Basics Bootcamp→ https://homeschoolingentrepreneurmom.thrivecart.com/money-basics-bootcamp/